Monday, April 19, 2010

The Journey

It wasn't until i plucked a gray hair from my head that I realized I didn't have forever. I didn't have forever to enjoy my youth. I didn't have forever to get into my best shape. I didn't have forever to fall into my dream job. And I didn't have forever to write my first book. It seemed though that I have been living my life thinking that I had forever. Tomorrow I will work on my novel. Tomorrow I will work on my resume. Tomorrow I will call that friend I havn't talked to in months. But what if tomorrow never comes. Was I happy with the person I am today? Am I happy being the student, the professional, the daughter, the girlfriend, the friend that I am. The answer was no.

On the brink of my 24th birthday I came to realize that life is short and that I have been living much of my life fixated on the past. Worry consumed me for so many years. I realized that my worries were created my own road block to achieving my goals.

I'm not perfect. I never will be. I used to spend my life trying to perfect. But after several failed attempts, I found a way to be content with my imperfections. I still struggle with myself. But I know that to become the person I want to be, it is an internal and external process. My journey has just begun.